tajikistan muslim population

Along with the Muslim countries of North Africa, the Middle East, and Eurasia, until recently the Muslim Central Asian Republic of Tajikistan had one of the world's highest annual population increases. Tey have very low opinion of salafis, who Pakistan enshrines. These are some of the key findings of Mapping the Global Muslim Population: A Report on the All. Population 8,468,555. Even though Indonesia is a constitutionally secular state, Islam is by far the dominant religion in the country. Tajikistan Population Turning to Sharia Law By ISN Security Watch - Sep 11, 2010, 8:26 AM CDT Even as the Tajik government maintains tight control on religion, the population is increasingly . Ethnic Uzbeks form a substantial minority in Tajikistan, and ethnic Tajiks an even larger minority in Uzbekistan. The country's population is concentrated at lower elevations, with perhaps as much as 90% of the people living in valleys; overall density increases from east to west. The overwhelming majority of Tajikistan's population (6.5 million) belongs to historically Muslim ethnic groups: Tajiks 65 percent, Uzbeks 25 percent, and Tatars, Kyrgyzes, and Turkmens each 2 percent. By giving shelter to numerous prominent Afghan resistance figures, Tajikistan's foreign policy has taken an oppositional stance. We say yes this kind of Muslim Population Map graphic could possibly be the most trending topic in the same way as we allocation it in google benefit or . Tajikistan, an independent Central Asian state since the end of 1991, was formerly part of the Soviet Union. Compare. Stats. Muslims in Indonesia are about 99% Sunni, 0.5% Shia, and 0.3% Ahmadi. Islam is regarded not only as a religion for most of the population of Tajikistan, but as a substantial and organic part of the history and culture of Tajik people. Any country where a Muslim population comprises 50% of the population is considered a Muslim majority country. Of the total Muslim population, 10-13% are Shia Muslims and 87-90% are Sunni Muslims. Emomali Rahmon has ruled the country since 1992, he also seems to be making preparations for oldest son to succeed him. Of the total Muslim population, 10-13% are Shia Muslims and 87-90% are Sunni Muslims. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life / Mapping the Global Muslim Population www.pewforum.org 39 Estimated Percentage Range of Shia by Country Afghanistan 10 - 15 ~2 Albania <5 <1 Algeria <1 <1 American Samoa -- --Andorra <1 <1 Angola -- --Anguilla <1 <1 Antigua and Barbuda <1 <1 Argentina <10 <1 Armenia <1 <1 Aruba <1 <1 Australia <10 <1 2. Sunni Muslim 85%, Shia Muslim 5%, other 10%. While most of the Tajik population are Islam followers, the remaining 2% comprises, a.o. Although Islam is the religion of 94% of the population, only a small fraction practice "pure" Islam. The rest of the people are mainly Uzbeks (15%), Russians, Kyrgyz, and others. Islam: more than 60 percent of educated people and skilled workers, more than 70 percent of the young.4 Thus one important cause of Islam's enduring influence in Tajikistan is the fact that a large proportion of the population wants Islam to remain a part of their way of life. Indonesia - 227,226,404. History. Therefore, despite the historical events and the situation in the country, Islam has always been present in the life of the . Title: Tajikistan. The remaining 10% of the population are followers of Russian Orthodoxy, or followers of other Christian churches (Roman Catholics, Seventh-day Adventists and Baptists).There also was a small Armenian minority, and a number of Zoroastrians. 1. Muslims make up 90 percent of a population that is largely artistic and family-oriented. Tajikistan Mulls Ban on Muslim Names. Tajikistan was first created as an autonomous republic within Uzbekistan in 1924, but in 1929 the USSR designated Tajikistan a separate republic and transferred to it much of present-day Sughd province. According to the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, based on the 2010 census, 99.4% of the population is Muslim. In Indonesia, Islam can be broadly categorized into "modernism," following . Ethnic groups: Tajik 67%, Uzbek 23%, Russian 3.5%, other 6.5%. Introduction Background The Tajik people came under Russian rule in the 1860s and 1870s, but Russia's hold on Central Asia weakened following the Revolution of 1917. Philadelphia, 1989. Magnificent in its rugged beauty, Tajikistan is an often-overlooked gem due to its remote and challenging terrain. Its submitted by dispensation in the best field. About 80-89% practice Sunni Islam and belong to the Hanafi Islamic law school. On March 31 a visitor to Khujand . Blacklock's Reporter says the Muslim population as a portion of the entire country has more than tripled since 1996 but remains outnumbered 9 to 1 by Catholics. The name "Tajik" may derive from the name of a pre-Islamic tribe, perhaps of Zoroastrian origin, and means "crown" or "royalty." The Tajik people are of ethnic Persian descent and constitute the largest indigenous group in the country (about 65 percent of the population). Hikmatullo Saifullozoda of the Islamic Revival Party told Forum 18 that there is an "unwritten . But only that does not reveal the reality and full picture of Islam in Tajikistan. Language: Tajik (sole official language as of 1994); Russian widely used in government and business; 77% of the country, however, is rural and they speak mostly Tajik. Here are the 10 countries with the highest percentage of Muslims: Mauritania ( 100.00%) Somalia ( 99.80%) Tunisia ( 99.80%) Afghanistan ( 99.60%) Iran ( 99.40%) Western Sahara ( 99.40%) Turkey ( 99.20%) Yemen ( 99.10%) Algeria ( 99.00%) amp.ibtimes.co.in/muslim. Within this group are the Pamiris, who live in the Gorno-Badakhshan . For the Kremlin, a destabilization of Tajikistan could have a serious impact on Russia, which is the major destination for Tajik migrant workers. Most of the population follows Sunni Islam, although a sizeable number of Shi'a are present as well. 1. Ethnic Composition . Most of the population follows Sunni Islam, although a sizable number of Ismailis are present as well. 10-19% are Shi'a, most of whom follow the Twelver branch with smaller numbers of Ismailis . Answer (1 of 2): In the fog of pre-history, the inhabitants of Tajikistan were what we call the "Proto-Iranians." This is long before the Turkic peoples migrated there, so Iranians dominated everywhere from Iran to Central Asia, although they were split into two different Persian languages, the E. Tajikistan has a population of 9,275,832 people, of which 70% are under the age of 30 and 35% are between the ages of 14 and 30.Tajiks who speak Tajik (a dialect of Persian) are the main ethnic group, although there are sizeable minorities of Uzbeks and Russians, whose numbers are declining due to emigration. Islam is the state religion of the Afghanistan. Under Soviet rule, the Soviet Socialist Tajik Republic, the borders of which were drawn in the 1920s, had . 1. Rahmon, himself a Muslim by upbringing, is secular and has tried to curtail religious . People have inhabited the area now known as Tajikistan since around 4000 BC, when different tribes, distinguished by language, settled the region. According to a 2009 U.S. State Department release, the population of Tajikistan is 98% Muslim, (approximately 95% Sunni and 3% Shia), with some Sufi orders Uzbekistan,Tajikistan & Kazakhstan has signficant shia muslims population. Other denominations of Islam with adherents in Tajikistan include Ismailism and some Sufi orders. Sunni Muslim 85%, Shia Muslim 5%, other 10%. Muslims are a minority. Muslim Population : Other Religion: religious population.com : Tajikistan: Translate 1. Kataghan in Tajikistan Population: 9,300 World Popl: 9,300 Total Countries: 1 People Cluster: Uzbek Main Language: Uzbek, Northern Main Religion: Islam Status: Unreached Evangelicals: 0.00% Chr Adherents: 0.00% Scripture: Complete Bible www.joshuaproject.net "Declare his glory among the nations." Psalm 96:3 Pray for the Nations Kazakh in Tajikistan A small minority group, the Pamiris, are members of a much smaller denomination of Shia Islam, Ismailism, which first won adherents in Central Asia in the early tenth century. And i. Prisoners, the elderly, widows, and orphans face the greatest risks. People say 97% of the population in the country are Muslims. The country's population is concentrated at lower elevations, with perhaps as much as 90% of the people living in valleys; overall density increases from east to west. Tajikistan became independent in 1991 following the breakup of the Soviet Union, and it is […] Muslim dominated Tajikistan bans veils for women. This short article about religion can be made longer. Muslim Population Map. According to local academics, the population is more than 90 percent Muslim and the majority adheres to the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam. Islam is the largest religion practiced in Kazakhstan, with estimates of about 72% of the country's population being Muslim. Most Shias (between 68% and 80%) live in just four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India and Iraq. We identified it from reliable source. Most of Tajikistan's population belongs to the Tajik ethnic group, who speak Tajik (a dialect of Persian ). Mosques sprouted up everywhere in the years following independence, but now the government places severe restrictions on mosque building. Tajikistan. The Taliban have responded by warning Tajikistan not to interfere in Afghanistan's internal affairs. Muslims Percent: 90% - 85% Sunni Muslims, 5% Shia Muslims (approx. About 99.7% of the Afghan population is Muslim. Population: 8.47 million (July 2017 est.) They are doubly targeted by both the government and their communities and families. Tajikistan ranked first for islam > percentage muslim amongst Cold countries in 2004. Factoid #107 At least 9 out 10 Nigerians attend church regularly. According to census 2016 the estimated population of Tajikistan is 8,734,951 BIBLIOGRAPHY Atkin, Muriel. Several imams Forum 18 contacted to discuss freedom of religion and belief after the new Law refused to discuss the issue, fearing reprisals from the authorities. Despite its poverty, Tajikistan has a high rate of literacy with an estimated 98 % of the population having the ability to read and write. Islam is the state religion of the Afghanistan. The government of Tajikistan is militantly secular, and the legacy of Soviet atheism is still strong, particularly in the cities. ): Sunni Muslim 85%, Shi'a Muslim 5%, other 10%. Population 8,468,555. Islam in Tajikistan [By The Journal of Turkish] From the end of the Bukhara Emirate to the post-Soviet times, an overview of the . Sunni Islam is, by far, the most widely practiced religion in Tajikistan.Sunni Islam of the Hanafi school is the recognized religious tradition of Tajikistan since 2009. Bukharan Jews had lived in Tajikistan since the 2nd century BC, but today only a few hundred remain. Most are more influenced by folk superstitions and Zoroastrian beliefs. For a rough indication of how large the Muslim populations would be in 2030 in Islam has been present in Tajikistan for many centuries. Russian is used as the inter-ethnic language. The population of Tajikistan is around 86 percent Sunni, and there is a strong link between ethnic Tajik identity and the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence. These are some of the key findings of Mapping the Global Muslim Population: A Report on the Most inhabitants are Muslim Tajiks — a Persian people group — although there are substantial minorities of Russian, Uzbek and Pamiri people. David Trilling May 5, 2015. The revival of Muslim values and ideas is particularly conspicuous in Tajiki-stan, where about 95 percent of the population fol-lows Sunni Islam. Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic with a population of about 8 million, is a predominantly Muslim nation. Russian Orthodox is the largest Christian denomination in Tajikistan, while the smallest in Central Asia generally. The Sunni branch of Islam has a 1,200-year-old tradition among the sedentary population of Central Asia, including the Tajiks. People may identify culturally as Muslim, The U.S. government estimates the total population at 8. Most of Tajikistan's population is Sunni Muslim and belongs to the Persian-speaking Tajik ethnic group, who share language, culture and history with Afghanistan and Iran. Population of Tajikistan: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. Interest in Islam has grown enormously in the secular states of post-Soviet Central Asia. When we speak of Islam in Tajikistan, mostly what we hear is the qualitative aspect of Islam. OTHER RELIGIONS IN TAJIKISTAN. STATE-SANCTIONED ISLAM Tajikistan, Islam in With the collapse of the Soviet Union ( 1991 ), Tajikistan emerged as an independent state in Central Asia. In the ongoing battle that could be known as Tajikistan vs. Islam, Islam has taken some low blows lately: police nabbing bearded men on the street and submitting them to the razor; state television instructing viewers that women who wear hijab are prostitutes. Indeed, more than nine-in-ten people living in Central-Western Asia are Muslim; Shia percentage is around 10-15% but in some countries its much higher like Azerbaijan it has 80-85% of percent of the population follows "Shia Islam". 7.6 million) Islam in Tajikistan: Tradition and Modernity - Aziz Niyazi [PDF] Islam in Tajikistan: Actors, Discourses, Conflicts - Andrea Schmitz [PDF] Tajikistan: A Political and Social History - Kirill Nourzhanov and Christian Bleuer [PDF] The Tajik regime works hard to con-tain religious practice and propaganda and deprive 41.6 thousand people, or 0.6% of the total population of the country are representatives of other religions, as Islamnews.tj was told by this Committee in March 2013. According to a 2009 U.S. State Department release, the population of Tajikistan is 90% Muslim, (approximately 85% Sunni and 5% Shia). More important, Russia has a Muslim population of 25 million and has an interest in them following a traditional form of Islam, rather than an extreme version like the one fueling the Taliban. Fieldwork was conducted between 2002 and 2004 among the Sunni Muslim population of Tajikistan. It's a physical prayer of thanks that there was enough food left over. According to local academics, the country is 90 percent Muslim, of whom the majority adheres to the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam. While the state is constitutionally secular, Islam is practiced by 98% of the population. The country needs relief-and-development work, as well as education and business training. The government of Tajikistan, where 90 percent of the population identifies as Muslim, passed a law last week that discourages religious clothing. "Muslim population of Canada triples in 15 years," Western Standard, October 31, 2021: Islam is now the fastest-growing religion in the country, says Statistics Canada. The Tajik and Uzbek ethnic groups in both countries are also predominately Sunni Muslim of the Hanafi school, although there is a small minority of Shia Tajiks. Population growth rate (2008 est. The Subtlest Battle: Islam in Soviet Tajikistan. Religious Demography. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, with over 227 million people identifying as Muslim. Although Islam is the religion of 94% of the population, only a small fraction practice "pure" Islam. One form of this popular Islam is Sufism--often described as Islamic mysticism and practiced by individuals in a variety of ways. Tajikistan. Islam is by far the largest religion in Tajikistan, practised by about 98% of the population. Tajikistan's Christians who have converted from Islam are most at risk. Muslims elsewhere around the world 8 Djibouti 1 Pakistan 174 United Arab Emirates 4 Sri Lanka 2 Nepal 1 Thailand 4 Philippines 5 Burkina Faso 9 Kenya 3 Western Sahara 1 Morocco 32 Guinea Bissau 1 Comoros 1 Benin 2 Cameroon 3 Eritrea 2 Somalia 9 Palestinian terr. Atkin, Muriel. Answer (1 of 3): Tojiks are Timurid Muslims mostly and follow Leninbadi thought. While Islam appears to play some part as a unifying cultural influence here, we need to beware of a Eurocentric, neo-colonial tendency to view . ): 2.3%. Demographics 24. 23. The U.S. government estimates the total population at 8.7 million (midyear 2019 estimate). Only 3% of the population practice Shia Islam, another major branch of Islam. Most of Tajikistan's people are concentrated in its narrow, deep intermontane valleys. The problem with all these "secular" dictatorships is that the general populace end up on the side of the religious opposition almost by default. Ethnic Composition . Culture The Culture of Tajikistan has developed over several thousand years. Tajikistan (/ t ɑː ˈ dʒ iː k ɪ s t ɑː n / (), / t ə-, t æ-/; Tajik: Тоҷикистон, Russian: Таджикистан, romanised: Tadzhikistan), officially the Republic of Tajikistan (Tajik: Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, romanised: Jumhurii Tojikiston), is a landlocked country in Central Asia.It has an area of 143,100 km 2 (55,300 sq mi) and an estimated population of . The civil war of the 1990s left an unforgettable mark on the nation. Background. About 80% of the population is composed of Tajiks (also spelled Tadjiks or Tadzhiks), a Sunni Muslim people who speak a language virtually indistinguishable from Persian (Farsi). Type: country. Approximately 4 percent of Muslims are Ismaili Shia, the majority of who m reside Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. 10-19% are Shi'a, most of whom follow the Twelver branch with smaller numbers of Ismailis . Most are more influenced by folk superstitions and Zoroastrian beliefs. Country profiles. Tajikistan . Despite its poverty, Tajikistan has a high rate of literacy with an estimated 98% of the population having the ability to read and write. Folk Islam also played an important role in the survival of Islam among the urban population. Tier: 1. Most Shias (between 68% and 80%) live in just four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India and Iraq. Tajikistan is a small, landlocked Central Asian country and more than 90% of its population is Muslim. Examines the social context of continued Islamic practice and the ways the Soviet regime tried to undermine Islam's influence from the 1970s to the mid-1980s. In Nigeria, Muslims comprise half the total population of the country. But Tajikistan's religious Muslim population exists under the fiercely secular authoritarian government of Emomali Rahmon, which banned face veils for women and children under age 18 attending . This short article about religion can be made longer. Tajikiston is a continuation of USSR like Uzbekisten. Additionally, Christians living outside Tajikistan's major cities are more prone to experiencing greater pressure than followers of Jesus inside urban settings. There are also small numbers of Shias. Tajikistan's restrictive new Religion Law is making its worst impact on the country's Muslim community, Forum 18 News Service has found. Muslim > Muslim population: . One of the Tajik people's rich traditions is to place their hand on leftover bread, kiss their hand and then touch their forehead. Tajikistan's landscape is dominated by the Pamir and Alay Mountains, which are home to many Tajiks as well as tourist attractions to those seeking adventure. Tajikistan [By CIA THE WORLD FACTBOOK ] Religions: Sunni Muslim 85%, Shia Muslim 5%, other 10% (2003 est.) Sunni Islam is the religion of the majority in Tajikistan. Religious observance has been on the rise recently, much to the dismay of the secular government which . Both Afghanistan (80 percent) and Tajikistan (85 percent) are predominately Sunni Muslim of the Hanafi school of law. Section I. The Muslim warriors conquered the region in 644. Russian Orthodox, Catholics, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jews, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses, and atheists. However, in 2015, the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) lost representation in the government because it failed to meet membership quotas. In China even though less than 2 percent of the country is Muslim, it is the country of the world with the fifteenth largest population of Muslims. Very few Muslims, however, live in the Pacific (<1%). Update to date information about population of Tajikistan in 2022. The most important form of Sufism in Tajikistan is the Naqshbandiyya, a Sufi order with followers as far away as India and . Only 4 out of 10 Americans claim to do so. 83% of the population still live below the poverty line. China and Tajikistan share a 477-kilometre border between Tajikistan's Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast and China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, with only one, high-altitude border crossing over the Kulma Pass. Islam. With hot summers and freezing winters, Tajikistan enjoys a vast variety of landscape and temperature, from glaciers, to . Islam in Kazakhstan. It is the religion of nearly 95.7% of the population of the country. Magnificent in its rugged beauty, Tajikistan is an often-overlooked gem due to its remote and challenging terrain. This process of state management of religion and authoritarian consolidation forms the backdrop to Helene Thibault's Transforming Tajikistan: State-building and Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia. With hot summers and freezing winters, Tajikistan enjoys a vast variety of landscape and temperature, from glaciers, to . Geographically speaking, Kazakhstan is the northernmost Muslim-majority country in the world . Here are a number of highest rated Muslim Population Map pictures upon internet. The largest Muslim country is Indonesia, where an estimated 229 million Muslims are. Tajikistan's population, which numbered slightly more than six million in the year 2000, consists overwhelmingly of ethnic groups which have historically been Muslim, primarily the Tajiks (roughly 80 percent of the population) and the . 99% of the Muslims in Indonesia are followers of the Shafi'i School of Sunni jurisprudence. In January 2014, Tajik Imams were issued new uniforms, and Abdulfattoh Shafiev wrote recently for Global Voices about several incidents of forced beard-shaving. Tajikistan is a presidential republic consisting of four provinces. This project analyzed how children and adolescents in Tajikistan were raised, in various secular and religious contexts, to be morally upright members of society. This is 87.2% of the Indonesian population of 263 million and about 13% of the world's population of Muslims. Ethnic Kazakhs are predominantly Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi school. Mosques sprouted up everywhere in the years following independence, but now the government places severe restrictions on mosque building. Categories . They fought a civil wsr with salafis for 5 years snd Pakistan is way WAY too closr to Saudi. About 80-89% practice Sunni Islam and belong to the Hanafi Islamic law school. Bolshevik control of the area was fiercely contested and not fully reestablished until 1925. About half of the Muslim population within Asia lives in South Asia (50%) and the remainder are somewhat equally divided between Southeast-East Asia (26%) and Central-Western Asia (24%). Indonesia is the country with the world's largest Muslim population (203 million); about 13% of all . An estimated 30-40% of the rural population and 5-10% of the urban population regularly follow Muslim practices or attend mosques. According to Tajikistan's State Committee on Religious Affairs, 97% of the Tajik population is currently Muslim and is served by 3224 mosques, 19 medresses (Muslim theological schools) and an Islamic university. 5 million (July 2017 estimate). Although Rahmon's administration has endorsed anti-Islam policies, Tajikistan was the only country in Central Asia in which an Islamist political party was legally allowed to operate. The process of spreading Islam in the region has turned out to be very long and difficult. Religion (2003 est. 4 Kuwait 3 Oman 2 Turkey 74 Turkmenistan 5 Indonesia 203 China 22 Muslim Population . Tajikistan's landscape is dominated by the Pamir and Alay Mountains, which are home to many Tajiks as well as tourist attractions to those seeking adventure. About 99.7% of the Afghan population is Muslim.

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tajikistan muslim population