reason for not wearing school uniform

The main reason I do not like wearing school uniform is because teachers do not have to. Why Students Should not Wear Uniforms. 2.6 Creating a sense of equality. 12 Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms Reviewed by: Nathan Brunner. The Should Student Wear School Uniform Essay best essay writing services ensure that every paper written by their writer passes through the plagiarism checker tool so that the customer gets a plagiarism-free paper. High school students and individuals who want to be different from everyone else and one way they can do that is by what they wear. One of the main arguments against wearing school uniforms is that students will lose their identity, individualism, and self-expression if they are made to wear the same clothes as everyone else. School uniforms, as the name . yes, school uniforms do help students. Do you think that all people should be required to wear uniforms? Students should have to wear uniforms because it will help students to perform better at school, give students a sense of discipline, lower the cost for parents, and decrease the rate of crime. They take away our freedom. Dress Code Equality. Kids want to wear close that are bright and fit their personality, also some kids need comfortable close to wear and not close that the school picks out for them. Ideas and methods all around the world are changing at an amazing pace. 1. Students should be required to wear uniforms so that the schools bullying rate can decrease and also so that the crime decreases and the safety of the school increases. A reason why some may oppose to students wearing uniforms might be because they feel students should be able to express themselves. 1. This is a free country. Increased safety is also a reason why school uniforms are good for field trips as well as on-site learning. Uniform also means to be the same, and without any difference. In conclusion uniforms is a bad idea. I see no harm with private schools taking the uniform stance, but one has a choice whether to attend that school or not. I want to bring in your notice that I did not wear my proper uniform on _____ (Date). The website CostHelper Education reports that a full uniform outfit can cost from $25 to $200 depending on the school and retailer, with a full wardrobe of uniforms ranging from $100 to $600 for . 10 Reasons School Uniforms Are a Bad Idea and School Uniforms Should Be Banned. Not all girls want to wear skirts and some may resent being told to wear traditionally "feminine" garments. The school uniform and school clothes avoid discrimination between students that may involve the use of certain brands and clothing. Changing clothes would require more time… As far as the debate on the need of school uniforms is concerned, proponents and opponents have extreme views. Proponents have suggested that the wearing of uniforms would be cheaper for parents than conventional clothes of the latest fads. 2.5 Promote the school spirit, pride, and unity. I will pay all the fines related to the offence. Adding to this, school age children grappling with self-esteem issues may feel that school uniforms exacerbate feelings of self-consciousness. In Singapore, almost all schools require students to wear uniforms to school. Because most of the time, this is something people decide after taking a shower. Allen S. Quimpo President Northwestern Visayan Colleges Kalibo, Aklan Dear Sir: We, the undersigned, sincerely request to be allowed by your good administration to be excused from wearing the school uniform for the following reasons herein: (1) We are taking some Education unit courses only. Additionally, assault with a deadly weapon decreased by 50%, fighting incidents declined 51%, and sex offenses dropped by 74%. Answer (1 of 6): I happen to approach this question from the opposite side: why should teachers wear uniforms? Posted by: flooowl. School Uniform. Apologetically, I would like to bring into your notice that due to the reason _____ (Torn / Rain / Not dried Properly - Mention your reason) I failed to follow the proper uniform pattern and did not wear proper _____ (Shoe/Shirt/Tie - Mention). Here are five reasons, why, you as a parent need to ensure that kids wear a uniform when they go to school: Focus on the Right Things. Other schools may require a variety of uniforms, some for daily wear, more formal uniforms for special occasions, and yet another outfit for gym class. The heated debate of whether schools should enforce uniform policies has been divided by strong supporting evidence on both sides. First there is an economic consideration. When schools allow children to wear . DON'T BE HYPOCRITES! When Long Beach, CA, required all students in grades K-8 to wear uniforms, reports of assault and battery decreased by 34%. Pro 3: They can increase the sense of community in a school. 2.4 It's Cost-effective to wear uniforms. In the past few years, more and more schools have been requiring their students to wear uniforms. That said, school uniforms are usually designed to be unique in colour scheme to the school for ease of identification on trips and on site, relatively cheap to obtain (as their m. School Uniforms: Their Advantages and Disadvantages; Why students should wear uniforms? Here are some reasons why school uniforms are essential: They help kids to dress smartly to the school, the school dress, will help them to become confident. Pro 3: They can increase the sense of community in a school. More public schools are requiring that students wear uniforms now more than ever before, according to the U.S. Department of Education, which found that between the 2003-2004 and 2011-2012 school years that the number of students wearing uniforms increased from 13 to 19 percent. EQUALITY. The reason why school uniform is compulsory because some students in lower classes, middle classes, upper classes. The necessity of school uniform in today's education system has become a much debated topic. In this letter, the addresser explains the reason behind the . Wearing a uniform shows unity and identity. 3. With a wide range in fashion, ranging from high-waist skinny jeans to rompers; from simple . Kids do not compete with their peers but would like to work hand in hand with them to . In today's world of fashion trends and brands, clothing has become a status symbol for children in schools. People generally wearing uniforms are armed forces, police, emergency services, schools and workplaces. There are several reasons why I urge you not to require the wearing of school uniforms. I believe that there is good evidence that wearing school uniform is now outdated. School Uniforms Are Too Expensive. But, if they know they have to wear the school uniform, they will wake up and get ready quickly. Here are five reasons, why, you as a parent need to ensure that kids wear a uniform when they go to school: Focus on the Right Things. But, unfortunately, going to school can also be complicated and tiring, and uniforms can sometimes add to the burden of the student. Uniforms are pointless: Here are 10 reasons why! Letters October 5, 2021 October 5, 2021 Kate. It would seem bland and drab. I would like to be treated fairly. With these basic ideas in mind, the concept … Both of the researchers believed that having school uniforms . 95% say uniforms help students "fit-in" and 94% believe parents and the local community and even potential students look with pride on a school where pupils wear uniforms. Another reason is because students will be nervous for school everyday. The following are some of the reasons why school uniforms are required: They assist children in dressing appropriately for school, and the school uniform will assist them in developing self-confidence. Do uniforms affect mental health? I am extremely sorry for the same. Kids do not compete with their peers but would like to work hand in hand with them to . Andrews I am writing because you chair a committee in charge of the compulsory wearing of school uniforms.I am a student at Brinsley High School‚ a friendly and successful school where uniforms are not worn. Pro 4: School uniforms can promote safety. Peer pressure of students is reduced. One reason kids should not wear uniforms to school is because they can have high costs for parents/guardians to pay for. It depends very much on the culture and environment of the school. Why Students Don't Have to Wear School Uniforms? The advantage of wearing a school uniform has become more pertinent at a time when many fear our young people are unhappier than ever before. Wearing school uniforms to schools promote good values in students, and thus it should be continued in Singapore. School uniforms and why students wear them has been a topic of concern and debate for as long as these clothes have been around. 4. They will feel closer to their classmates who wear the same uniform. School Uniforms Can Be an Extra Cost. Answer (1 of 24): I'm not sure that they are bad. Need to wear school uniform? 0. The study found nine out of ten teachers (89%) believe school uniforms play an active role in reducing bullying. The arguments presented in favour of this decision are that wearing uniforms will prevent students from bullying one another over brand . They argue that school uniforms provide a . They will do well in academics. Though people who argue that wearing uniforms in educational institutions make people appear all equal, give a sense of community, and teach discipline, I believe there are more disadvantages to wearing uniforms than advantages. They do not get distracted. For example, if a uniform requires girls to wear skirts and pants are not allowed, some students and parents may object, leading to conflict with the school administration. Additionally, school uniforms are not the most . One needs to take a look at both the sides of the coin to ascertain whether students should wear school uniforms. An excuse letter for not wearing the school uniform is a letter that is written either by a student, his/her parent, or a guardian. If children do not have a school uniform, they will spend a lot of time to get ready as they will not which dress to pick. Just because they are wearing the same clothes as everyone else doesn't mean they won't get bullied.Students can still be bullied for what they look like or their personality. The debate of uniforms is such a common debate in the world of education. If all students are wearing school uniforms, it's easier to identify people on the school grounds who do not belong there. School is a part of life, and it can be a very enlightening and entertaining period. Another argument commonly raised by parents in the school uniform debate is how costly they are. 1.Equality: One of the most important reason for students to wear uniforms, is to give a sense of equality. One needs to take a look at both the sides of the coin to ascertain whether students should wear school uniforms. However, the school nearby did require uniforms because of various reasons. Ideas and methods all around the world are changing at an amazing pace. Pro 2: They can increase student focus. is absolutely safe if it provides 100% original and non-plagiarized papers. Uniforms will pose additional financial burdens on parents if uniforms are required. I mean if we have to wear uniforms at least let us have a vote on the colors for our uniforms. School uniforms are more affordable. Therefore, a big part of conflicts can be avoided. The final category is students. When standing in the middle of a suburban high school, often the first things individuals notice are faces first and clothes second. School uniforms do not eliminate individuality. In today's world, we have numerous cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The major reason was _____ (Mention the reason/was not having a proper set of uniforms/torn in the morning/others). I wear a school uniform, and I get distracted in the morning. I fully understand that uniform looks smarter than casual clothes and that this might . They will do well in academics. This article is a response to the one . A study from Oxford Brookes University among year 7 and year 9 students found students reported heightened feelings of anxiety on non-uniform days. According to the school uniforms debate, comparisons and distractions among students are avoided since the school uniform ends with competitiveness . Con 2: Uniforms limit student self-expression. Need to wear school uniform? I think that the school should decide what is best in terms of using uniforms or not. Most importantly, I think kids should not wear uniforms at school. Chidren who wear school uniforms have a higher sense of safety. This is one of the main reasons why school inform is critical. Freedom of expression, cost and self-expression are among the main concerns of mandatory school uniforms. If this happens, then everyone will end up looking the same. Students who do not want to wear uniforms will give many reasons for why they should be banned. Uniforms Do Not Promote a Culture. i hate uniforms they do nothing but hide our inner selves so we can't express ourselves! Well the idea of wearing the same color and style every day to school actually is, but imagine being different in a "not being different" set-up. School uniform plays an important role in the maintenance of discipline in students and makes them safe by keeping an eye on everyone. When students wear uniforms, it is easier for the teachers to find out who is an outsider and who . That why students should not wear uniform. Requiring school uniforms is a contentious issue. Uniforms negate that and instills a sense of oneness amongst them. Instead of competing with their peers, they like to work hand in hand with them to become successful. While 59% of students prefer to wear their own clothes to school, 46% think that a uniform helps reduce bullying at school. Con 1: They can be expensive for parents. School Uniforms Deprive Students of Freedom of Expression. One reason is, kids do not want to wear shabby old looking close. Why we should wear school uniforms? Kids wearing school uniform can concentrate well on the studies. Our students have fun participating in the occasional spirit wear or free dress day; however, these days are not the focus for our kids. It may limit the concept of diversity to the student body. The debate of uniforms is such a common debate in the world of education. If schools share in or take on . Like Reply Challenge. Benefits of Not Wearing School Uniforms. I'm no different from kids who wear a uniform. Students Can Feel Policed in School Uniforms. The writers are reliable, honest, extremely knowledgeable, and the results are always top of the class! School uniforms, by design, limit diversity within the learning environment. Individuality and Self-expression. Pro 2 School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. So if the students wear a uniform the can avoid bullying and violence because all students wear the same uniform. I had looked into many Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms Essay tutoring services, but they weren't affordable and did not understand my custom-written needs. It's not necessarily the clothes the students are wearing, but how they wear them. Therefore school is a place where we come to study, not to . (E). Another reason why I don't care for uniforms is, because you have to wear the same thing everyday. Uniforms Can Be a Hindrance to a Student's Transition to […] Another reason students should not wear uniform is because students parents might struggle for paying for uniform and and the kids might feel uncomfortable wearing uniform. Some people think that school uniforms can help make schools safer for kids. 2 Its crazy for teachers not to wear uniforms at school . Pro 4: School uniforms can promote safety. When children wear the school uniform, they get the . Some take the view that wearing school uniforms grooms pupils on how to . Wearing school uniform gives the students a variety of benefits, the most prominent being because school uniforms help student academically perform better prevents bullying and for safety reasons. The abolishment of school uniforms will not help. With gang violence, socio-economic clashes, bullying and discipline issues plaguing many public schools, administrators have in some cases turned to school uniforms. I went to a public high school that did not require uniforms, but enforced a strict dress code. Wearing uniforms has many benefits such as a better sense of security, better in time management and can avoid bulling. 1. The National Association of Secondary School Principals stated that, "When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork." [] A study by the University of Houston found that elementary . The school uniform can creates an identity for school and an important part of being a school student. School uniforms and why students wear them has been a topic of concern and debate for as long as these clothes have been around. Children wearing school uniforms are easier to spot and keep track of among large crowds, making the chance of a child wandering off without a teacher noticing far less likely. What are good reasons for not wearing school uniforms? Focus on Education. It is normal . In fact, it is an important and essential part of schooling, for very simple reasons. Uniforms give students a sense of belonging and enhance pride in their school. Therefore school is a place where we come to study, not to . However, the school nearby did require uniforms because of various reasons. Other reasons are it's uncomfortable. A final reason why schools should not have school uniforms is that kids still get bullied with school uniforms or without them. Children who wear school dress concentrate well on the studies. There is no need to make dress code policies for the students. March 19, 2019 Pic: Pexels Creative Commons / it's me neosiam. Arguments against School Uniforms. The necessity of school uniform in today's education system has become a much debated topic. Also it also sets a good example for kids. Children are not going to . Students shouldn 't wear uniforms to school. Our kids shine because of who they are, not how they look. According to Wikipedia, a uniform means a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity. Those people would not be wearing uniforms. Pro 2: They can increase student focus. This is why (as this study shows) parents and teachers tend to perceive uniforms as positively impacting school safety, while students don't believe uniforms make them more safe. At my school, we have to wear a white polo shirt and a blue/green plaid skirt (for girls, guys wear baige pants). Wearing uniforms in a way makes everyone look the same in appearance. As far as the debate on the need of school uniforms is concerned, proponents and opponents have extreme views. I am not talking about the creative aspect of my clothing choice, but rather how the reason to do school uniforms don't add up. A school uniform helps staff in managing students easily on field trips and outings outside the school. The school uniform might create a fashion balance, but it also creates a natural rebellion against group thinking. Con 2: Uniforms limit student self-expression. 2. 2.2 School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. How do uniforms affect students self image? wearing a school uniform doesn't change me at all. The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms Pro 1: They can break down class barriers between students. However, the rich student wears expensive dress to the school and distracts the other who can't able to buy the same cloth to the school. if you wear uniforms, you . I went to a public high school that did not require uniforms, but enforced a strict dress code. . Should Student Wear School Uniform Essay. 2.1 Wearing uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety. I think that the school should decide what is best in terms of using uniforms or not. Wearing uniforms also gives students a feeling that the school is a family. The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms Pro 1: They can break down class barriers between students. Also some parents may not be able to pay the amount needed for the uniforms. They do not get distracted. I do not think students should wear school uniforms because kids express themselves by what they wear and the colors they do, because in other words it's freedom of speech. In that way, it does not give a chance for bullies from . Con 1: They can be expensive for parents. Another reason is because students will be nervous for school everyday. Critics, mostly students believe that wearing a school uniform is boring. Parents may argue that having to buy expensive school uniforms on top of regular after school and weekend clothes can become a financial burden on families, especially those with multiple school-aged children. Illicit affairs will continue, men will ogle and money will be spent whether you wear a uniform or not! I think the only situations in which uniforms should be required are situations where lives depend on it. Children who wear school dress concentrate well on the studies. That why students should not wear uniform. In much the same way football followers will wear their team's jersey or scarf, a uniform builds a sense of community. Here are just seven reasons Glasshouse Christian College and schools all over the world wear a uniform.'s services, on the other hand, is a perfect match for all my written needs. With countless arguments coming up on why students should not wear school uniforms and why they should, there comes about a need to have an analysis done of the same, a pros and cons list that will allow us to look deep into this issue and understand what a school uniform signifies. When I wear my school uniform I feel a sense of belonging, I hold my head up high feeling proud to . (Before continuing to read, note that I go to a public school where we have a rather lenient uniform policy, including but not limited to: black or white polos or button ups, school approved sweatshirts and black or . Another reason students should not wear uniform is because students parents might struggle for paying for uniform and and the kids might feel uncomfortable wearing uniform. Because all students wear the same school uniform which makes it easy to identify and manage them. 10 Reasons Why Should Students Wear School Uniform. The Opinion of students on School Uniforms. Report Post. i myself am a student that goes to a school where you have to wear uniforms and it helps with the teasing and some of the drama. In my opinion, it is not just a habit. June 21, 2011 Atty. However, the rich student wears expensive dress to the school and distracts the other who can't able to buy the same cloth to the school. Excuse Letter for not Wearing School Uniform. It is addressed to the principal of the academic institution. Wearing school uniforms helps in preventing bullying because clothes are one of the major reasons for bullying at school. In conclusion uniforms is a bad idea. anon73986 March 30, 2010 . While students are not usually in favor of school uniforms being mandatory, they are not blind to their benefits. Another main reason I think students shouldn't have to wear uniforms because students should be able to express themselves through what they wear and not be forced to wear the same thing every other student wears. According to the article "Arguments Against School Uniforms, "Lower-to-middle-class income earners often argue against the costs of uniforms if families are responsible for covering them. As many as one in eight American public schools have been implementing this policy. T he yes-sayers who are in support of school dress code policies uphold that the reason for a school uniform dress code policy is simple; it is to create a positive atmosphere for learning within a safe environment. The reason why school uniform is compulsory because some students in lower classes, middle classes, upper classes. Though people who argue that wearing uniforms in educational institutions make people appear all equal, give a sense of community, and teach discipline, I believe there are more disadvantages to wearing uniforms than advantages. …Children take pride in wearing the school dress since it helps them to connect with their school—there is a sense of belonging. 2.3 Reduction on the rate of bullying. -Amh anon73347 March 26, 2010 They do well in academics as they do not get distracted. Some uniforms may strike students and parents as sexist. The character of the individual student is our focus. Has become a status symbol for children in schools ; garments also some parents may not be able to themselves. Want to wear uniforms police, emergency services, on the other hand, is a of... Suggested that the school nearby did require uniforms because of various reasons: Nathan Brunner with school <. And self-expression are among the main reasons why school uniform i feel a sense of belonging i. 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reason for not wearing school uniform